Savannah is a College Curly Girl

Our Curlee Girlee of the Week is a college curly girl named Savannah. Savannah is very adventurous and leads an exciting life. She loves traveling and meeting new people! She is currently in college, majoring in Multilingual Communications. She loves drinking coffee and learning multiple languages!

Savannah is are our Curlee Girlee of the Week. If you or your little curly-haired girl (or boy!) would like to submit to be Curlee Girlee of the Week, click here! We are so happy to receive submissions from older curly girls like Savannah because their beauty and confidence can inspire and empower little curly girls everywhere to embrace their curls and uniqueness. Our older curly-haired girls are excellent role models for our youngest Curlee Girlee members!

Atara Twersky, Author of Curlee Girlee is a TODAY Show Style Icon. Her mission is to teach girls to embrace the beautiful curls they have with power and confidence. Join us as together we change the “coarse” of curly hair. Don’t forget to check out our recent article on What to Do or Say if Your Daughter is Showing Signs of Hating Her Curly Hair.

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