Michelle Breyer: What to tell your curly haired child when she is feeling bad about her hair

Naturallycurly.com is a name recognized by curly girls everywhere- on this week’s episode, we interviewed one of the founders of Naturallycurly.com, Michelle Breyer. Michelle began her career as a broadcast journalist but her hair got in the way, literally!  Michelle knew she needed to create a community for curly women to discuss, debate and decide on best hair products, best styling techniques and best hair care for curly girlies.  Along the way she realized that her work in this area was making a difference.  She gave up her day job to focus on Naturallycurly.com.  Today this website is an important resource for women with curls.  Listen for some great tips whether you are just beginning to embrace your curls or deciding to go sliver. This show is MUST-LISTEN for curlee girlees and their moms and dads everywhere!

Listen below!

[su_audio url=”https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-to-tell-your-curly-haired-child-when-she-is-feeling/id1473997779?i=1000456113245″]

Don’t forget to check out our recent article on What to Do or Say if Your Daughter is Showing Signs of Hating Her Curly Hair.

Atara Twersky, Author of Curlee Girlee is a TODAY Show Style Icon. Her mission is to teach girls to embrace the beautiful curls they have with power and confidence. Join us as together we change the “coarse” of curly hair.

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