Martino Cartier: “America’s most sought-after stylist”- W Magazine

Martino Cartier has been named “America’s most sought after stylist” by W Magazine, but even more impressive than his styling abilities are big heart, open mind and extraordinary ability to inspire all those he comes in contact with. As founder of Wigs and Wishes, Martino ensures that ANYONE who needs a wig due to illness, gets one, no questions asked. As creator of innovative and cutting edge hair styling products he has shown us all that sometimes good people are rewarded by finding more and more good with every turn they take. During corona time, Martino’s acts of kindness are touching thousands who in turn are inspired to act similarily. On a recent FB live he raised $43,000 in just 2 hours and is helping the Hatzolah organization and Eli Beer save millions of lives with his generous contribution. Martino! Keep it up- the world needs more people like you!

Martino Cartier: “America’s most sought-after stylist” by W Magazine and Founder of “Wigs and Wishes” Show notes:

[1:30] Martino’s charity works to help people affected by Covid-19

  • Every year, they give scholarships to graduating seniors who have parents suffering from cancer.
  • He was able to give free meals to 550 graduating seniors in his town
  • Martino was able to raise funds and bought 2400 roses which will be given to 800 teachers as a way to thank the teachers
  • The principal himself will personally deliver donated swag bags filled with gift certificates
  • ABC and CBS will cover the story and will expand helping 2 more graduating classes

[12:00] Amazing story about the Hatzolah Organization and Eli Beer

  • His friend sent a TedTalk of Eli Beer who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus
  • He watched the TedTalk of why Eli started Hatzolah organization
  • He was able to raise $43000 in just 2 hours

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About The Author

Atara Twersky, Author of Curlee Girlee is a TODAY Show Style Icon. Her mission is to teach girls to embrace the beautiful curls they have with power and confidence. Join us as together we change the “coarse” of curly hair. Don’t forget to read our recent article featuring charities that Curlee Girlee loves!

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